Just a walk on the beach

Just a walk on the beach
Enjoying a beautiful day in Cancun with my one and only.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ewww......That tooth must come out!

Oh mylanta! One of Leah's front teeth is extremely loose (the front tooth on the right) and is a twist away from coming out. The problem? She won't twist it out!!! Argh!!! It's driving me nuts! I keep telling her, "Dude, that suckers gotta come out! It's all jacked up!" but all that does is send her into a fit of giggles.

It takes a lot to really gross me out but the way this tooth looks is really making my stomach turn. These pictures do not do the grossness justice.

I am so tempted to sneak up on her and yank that thing out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still giggling over the "oh mylanta"...that just takes me back to high school for some reason!! I miss you! and I love hearing Leah stories...she is such a cutie!

    yeah, I have NO tips on getting the loose teeth out. John would do the same thing and it drove me batty.
