Woo hoo!! Finally, Leah's tooth is out! I am so happy and now I can stop obsessing over it. And all it took was ice cream from the ice cream truck! She was sitting happily with her friend, Savannah, chomping on her ice cream when I looked over and noticed the tooth was missing. She accidently swallowed her tooth! I was afraid she was going to be upset over it but she was happy that the ice cream took care of it. She was really afraid to pull the tooth out because she thought it would hurt really bad.
A big thank you to the ice cream man for selling hard as rock ice cream! Woot!
The magic tooth extractor!
My happy little girl! (btw: It was pajama day at school in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthay.)
I'm totally digging the cuteness!
CUUUUUUTE!!!! OMG, she is so adorable...I can't wait for John to come back from the neighbor's house so I can show him this picture of her!